Monday, October 7, 2013

Tough go

An unexpected hiccup in life can really throw you off.  It can take a long time to get back to the old you.  Or the "you" before.  In the Spring, I experienced such a "hiccup"...

In April I suffered an emotional and physical set-back.  Nothing life threatening but enough to throw me off my path and spiralling downward.  It was tough.  I tried to pretend nothing happened, tried to just move on, but the reality was, I had to face it head on before I could begin to heal.

It's during times like these that you realize all the wonderful people in your life.  I have an amazing daughter that, although she too was hurt, she kept me strong.  An amazing partner that, although he was just as devastated as I was, was there for me and made it his purpose to make sure I was ok, that I got through it.  And the rest of my family, mom & dad, sister, such huge support.  I remind myself how lucky I am to have such a supportive family.

My friends, wow, I don't even know where to begin.  You all were there to support and cheer me up.  Flowers, nights out for distraction, phone calls, texts, little messages to keep me cheered up.

Lastly but definitely not least, my family at CrossFit Indestri.  The welcome back from the coaches and members.  The extra push to help me get through that WOD.  Letting me cry when I just needed to let it all out during a WOD.  Tough times but totally healing.  Who can really say that their "gym" is their family?  I know I can and all the members of CFI feel the same.  We are very lucky to have such an amazing community.

Well, they say everything happens for a reason and sometimes it's easy to find that reason.  For us, many great things have happened in our lives and, I guess, a dose of reality needs to flatten you for a while to keep you real.  We had that dose, and then another, but we've had MANY great things happen in the last month.  I can't wait to share :)

It has taken a while to get back to the old me.  I think I'm back...  Feeling pretty good these days.  I think the most important thing I learned out of this experience is give yourself time.  Take the time to heal.  Don't pretend nothing happened.

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