Friday, March 22, 2013

Curling + CrossFit = Rocks through the House!

So today I went to a curling bonspiel.  Although I used to be an avid curler, I haven't curled in over a year.  

My concerns today were not so much "will I fall?" "can I get it over the hog line?".  My concerns were "now that I'm doing CrossFit, what does this mean?".  Since it was a fun gathering I didn't worry too much about it again until we hit the ice.

So the first shot the Skip called, was a take out.  Well, no problem here!  I came out of the hack, the rock soared down the sheet and BAM, rock gone!  Wahoo!

Next shot, draw to the button.  Well, ok.  Maybe not the button but I should be able to draw close enough.  Um, NOPE.  Right through the house and I was barely even trying coming out of the hack.

Next shot, same. 

Next, same again!

My new nickname, "Pipes".

So, after we lose the first game, we head up for lunch and the traditional "buy the losers a drink" part of curling.  I know, shouldn't really be drinking when I'm going to tackle Open WOD 13.3 tomorrow morning.  So, I just had a small glass of wine with the wonderful roast beef they served for lunch.

When the second game rolled around, I was a little more relaxed... hmm wonder why...

Got some great shots including this one:

Two of those rocks are mine.  Drew them right up to the third.  Looked pretty LOL.  Well cool enough anyway ;)

All in all, a fun day.  Felt great to curl again and didn't get winded with all the sweeping I had to do (which was a lot, right Mark?)  

Here's hoping that I'm not too sore tomorrow when I attempt 13.3!!  I just want to get through those damn Wall Balls!  9' seems so much higher than 8' like we've been doing lately.  Plus at 5', 1' is a fifth of my height LOL

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