Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013: What am I thankful for?

This year at the Kusiar Thanksgiving, Dad started the toast a little differently...

Mike/Grandpa/Dad: "I am thankful for the upcoming marriage of Michelle and Parker, the arrival of our new grandchild, and having all of you here for Thanksgiving"

Rose/Grandma/Mom: "I am just thankful that we could all be together for Thanksgiving this year."

Aaron/Nephew: "I'm thankful for my family"

Jenn/Aunt Jenn/Sister: "I'm thankful to be able to spend the day with all the people I love."

Jake/Nephew: Jake struggled or was shy at first so we said we'd come back to him...

Neil/Uncle Neil/Brother-In-Law: "I'm thankful for family and health"

Parker/Hubby-to-be: "I'm thankful for these 2 beautiful girls in my life, and family."

Ciara/Daughter: "I'm thankful for my family"

Me: "I'm thankful for family, my health this time around, and a good ol' Rosie turkey dinner!"

Jake shouted out a "Food.  I'm thankful for food."  Love it!

I have so many things to be thankful for this year.  Yes, life dealt us a few blows this year but, we've survived.  I am thankful for an amazing man in my life.  Someone who treats my like an equal, a life partner.  Someone who wants to share every life experience with me.  A man who loves me and love my daughter as if she were his own.  I am truly thankful that Parker is a part of my life and plans on sticking around for a while ;)

I am thankful for my beautiful daughter.  She is the light of my life.  It was her that helped me through my rough times a few years ago.  Her beautiful smile that made me want to get up every morning, become a stronger person, and live life to the fullest.  My caring, loving daughter Ciara means the whole world to me and I am truly thankful to have her in my life.

I am thankful for my family.  The love and support my parents, sister, and brother-in-law continuously provide.  I don't know what I would do without them.

I am thankful for my friends.  Their willingness to make sure I stay in good spirits through the tough times, helping out when needed and just all around support and love.

I am thankful for the roof over my head, a second roof to run away to in the beautiful Bruce, and the ability to be able to provide for my family.

Lastly, I am thankful that I have been blessed with the opportunity to carry another child.  To give Ciara a baby brother/sister and Parker a son/daughter next Spring!!  That's right peeps, we're having a baby :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Trailer Park Life

Yesterday marked the end of our third season at Lakeside Rainbow Cottages & Campground.  I'm really going to miss it over the winter months.  We have a great group of friends up there.  It truly is another family for us.

We came across this little gem when we found ourselves an old trailer, in great shape and decided we wanted to park it somewhere for a weekend getaway.  We visited the park that day and put a deposit down on the site.  We've never looked back.

As much as I'd like to name all the wonderful people we've met up there, I'm not sure Ci will let me spend that much time on the computer today :).  I can honestly say this is another extension of my family.

Our neighbours Barry & Jim became instant friends.  The first night we were all up there, we bonded over tequila... 1 Tequila, 2 Tequila, 3 Tequila, FLOOR!  Barry & Jim have been amazing neighbours and we love our visits from their fur baby, Bailey, a gorgeous Sharpe/Sheppard cross.  Hemi's girlfriend... or was until the female beagle moved in :)

George & Melissa with Austin and Breanna, Sarah with Brookie and my little buddy, Drake, great families, wonderful kids!   Love when they do a last tour of the park and I get bedtime hugs from the kiddies.  Sarah and I like to share the latest dirty novel we've read.

Dana and Hailey, these two came into our lives at the end of our first season and wow, the connection was incredible.  Hailey and Ciara are just a few months apart in age.  It was great.  They moved into the park in August and we look forward to our summers with them.  Dana and I like to take the girls and the dogs for long hikes.  I think our favourite might just be the Devil's Monument.

Bill, Jeff, and Ray are 3 more gems at the park.  Love them.  Always smiling.  They're our event organizers.  Bill & Jeff like to host movies on the patio or Bingo nights.  Ray likes to decorate for Christmas in July and dances on the patio.  Every time we see any of them, it's always a great big hug.  Again, like we've known each other a heck of a lot longer than just a few summers.

I know I've missed some but I just wanted to give you a glimpse of the amazing group of people we have up at the trailer.  The people I like to refer to as "my trailer family".  Their support over the last 2 years for my Run for the Cure fundraiser has been phenomenal!  It ends up being a great little party that gets all the "seasonals" together.  We've even had weekenders join us!

The Bruce Peninsula is a beautiful area of our province to visit.  The Bruce trail offers many different level hiking trails, scenery that you wouldn't even think existed in Ontario, rock climbing opportunities, boating, fishing, I could go on and on.  Our park is right on Lake Huron and just 40 minutes from Tobermory where we will often take trips to catch a glimpse of the MS Chi-Cheemaun, check out the shops, and visit the Candle Shop at Miller Lake.  There are just so many things to keep us wanting to go there every possible weekend.

Anyway, one of the hardest things we have to do every year, is close down and say good-bye until next season.  This year was really tough.  First, it was the last year in our first trailer.  A tough decision to make but time to get a bigger trailer.  Now that we've found a new one, I want to run right back up ther for the first sleep in it!!  Secondly, going 6 months without seeing these people is hard!  We live all over, Owen Sound, Hamilton, Cambridge, Beamsville, etc.  Thank goodness for Facebook and texting because that seems to be our source of connection through those long winter months.  Lastly, having somewhere to run off to when you just need to get away is such a privilege.  We are very lucky and you truly do appreciate those things that you cannot have (even if it is for just a few months).

See you in approximately 207 days!!!  XOXO

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Battle of the Blades - Vote for Scott and Amanda

Don't forget to vote for Amanda and Scott!  They are doing amazing on Battle of the Blades!

How do you vote?  Register at www.cbc.ca/battle

Every week they amaze me.  Scott with how far he's come on his toe picks!  Amanda with the confidence she has in her partner that she has only known for a short time.  The lifts they are performing are truly amazing.  There is at least 1 each program that has me jumping out of my seat.

They are skating for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  An organization very close to my heart and I'm sure many others.  Here are links to their programs:

Week 1:  Rock

Week 2: Suit & Tie

SO what are you going to do??  #VOTE4THORTY #VOTE4AMANDA

Monday, October 7, 2013

Tough go

An unexpected hiccup in life can really throw you off.  It can take a long time to get back to the old you.  Or the "you" before.  In the Spring, I experienced such a "hiccup"...

In April I suffered an emotional and physical set-back.  Nothing life threatening but enough to throw me off my path and spiralling downward.  It was tough.  I tried to pretend nothing happened, tried to just move on, but the reality was, I had to face it head on before I could begin to heal.

It's during times like these that you realize all the wonderful people in your life.  I have an amazing daughter that, although she too was hurt, she kept me strong.  An amazing partner that, although he was just as devastated as I was, was there for me and made it his purpose to make sure I was ok, that I got through it.  And the rest of my family, mom & dad, sister, such huge support.  I remind myself how lucky I am to have such a supportive family.

My friends, wow, I don't even know where to begin.  You all were there to support and cheer me up.  Flowers, nights out for distraction, phone calls, texts, little messages to keep me cheered up.

Lastly but definitely not least, my family at CrossFit Indestri.  The welcome back from the coaches and members.  The extra push to help me get through that WOD.  Letting me cry when I just needed to let it all out during a WOD.  Tough times but totally healing.  Who can really say that their "gym" is their family?  I know I can and all the members of CFI feel the same.  We are very lucky to have such an amazing community.

Well, they say everything happens for a reason and sometimes it's easy to find that reason.  For us, many great things have happened in our lives and, I guess, a dose of reality needs to flatten you for a while to keep you real.  We had that dose, and then another, but we've had MANY great things happen in the last month.  I can't wait to share :)

It has taken a while to get back to the old me.  I think I'm back...  Feeling pretty good these days.  I think the most important thing I learned out of this experience is give yourself time.  Take the time to heal.  Don't pretend nothing happened.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

#VOTE4THORTY - CBC Battle of the Blades

My CrossFit coach and friend will be competing on CBC's Battle of the Blades this season!

I have to admit, I've never watched the show before but now, I can't wait until the next episode.  My friend, CrossFit Coach, former NHLer, and all round great guy, Scott Thornton has decided to lace up the figure skates and respect the toe pick.  His partner, Amanda Evora, has been posting great pictures of their experience.  Definitely a great match up!

So be sure to tune in on Sundays to CBC at 8pm and #VOTE4THORTY!!

To register to cast votes, click here.

Feeling Blessed

Well, it's been a while since I've posted on my blog.  Summer was hectic.  Not really my excuse though.  We went through a tough time in April and it took a while to get the spirits back up.  So here I am because this weekend really brought it all home for me.

I recently celebrated my 40th birthday.  40... I remember when I thought 40 was so OLD!  Not so much anymore.  Just days before my birthday, my very loving partner, Parker, asked me to marry him.  It had been a cold, wet day.  I was feeling about as great as the weather when the family made the trek up to the trailer.  I decided I needed a nap and headed inside.  While Mommy was napping, Parker was asking Ciara if it was ok if he asked Mommy to marry him.  Really?  I LOVE that he thought of her first!  Surprisingly, the weather cleared up, Ci went into the trailer to watch a movie (it was still freakin' cold), and Parker said "Let's go down and check out the sunset.  It might be one of our last this summer."  So I bundled up and away we went.  We sat there for a while, just chatting away.  Then he said "Let's head back".  I was freezing so it sounded like the perfect idea.  But before we left, he told me how much he loved me, that he couldn't imagine his life without me, and then, that big 6'4" man of mine got down on one knee and proposed.  Yes, I cried.  AND yes, I said YES!  It was amazing.  Before we headed back to the trailer he told me about his conversation with Ciara.  Well, needless to say I had more tears!  I felt truly loved and blessed.

But, it doesn't stop there.  This past weekend we hosted our 2nd Annual Breast Cancer Fundraiser at the trailer.  A little BBQ to raise funds for the Run for the Cure.  We decided a pig roast was in order.  We tied the event in with my 40th birthday celebration.  I posted on Facebook "If you want to celebrate my 40th with me, you'll have to come to the trailer" and, you know what, people did!  We had close to 40 people there!  It was a cold one but the food and company was awesome.  Everyone contributed in some way, a salad, dessert, games, tarps (thanks Mark), etc.  The rain held off the whole night.  We raised $550 at our little gathering.  So, once again, I felt very loved and blessed to have all these amazing people in my life.

And that's all for now.  I'm laid up in bed today but needed to get this out there.

If you weren't able to come to the BBQ but would like to contribute, here's my online donation page.

Donate here

Thursday, June 20, 2013



  1. people in area: a group of people who live in the same area, or the area in which they live
  2. people with common background: a group of people with a common background or with shared interests within society
  3. nations with common history: a group of nations with a common history or common economic or political interests
When I think of the people at CrossFit Indestri (CFI), I think "community".  As defined above, #2 is exactly what it is.  Not necessarily people with a common background as we all have led very different lives and come from very different backgrounds.  But we are a group of people with a shared interest.  We all have a love/hate relationship with CrossFit LOL.

But seriously, it's very hard not to grow close to a group of people that you've completed a WOD with.  We cheer each other on, give encouragement to help keep them going, and give them a high five or props at the end of the workout.  We smile, we laugh, we sweat, and well, sometimes, we cry together.

Community is one of the top reasons I am still at CrossFit.  As much as I have learned that I love to lift heavy things, the people bring me back day after day.  Whether it's a "Hey Mighty Mouse" from coach Tyson in the morning or some "ribbing" from some of the members about whether we're ready for today's workout or not.  I don't think I could ever leave this type of environment.

Photo by Jennifer Nichol

This couldn't have been more true when I, unfortunately, had to take a total of 6 weeks off from CrossFit.  Between Pool School, a vacation, and some medical issues, it was the longest time away from these people that I've had in the past year.  And when I was going through my personal troubles, the only place I wanted to be was at CFI.  Kind of a Cheers effect.  You know "where everybody knows your name"...

While I was off, I received messages on Facebook.  "Miss you", "When are you coming back?"  "Quit slacking and get your butt in here!"  (My favourite).  Just made me miss CFI more.  So the first day I went back, I was a little emotional but boy, was I happy to see everyone.  Got some great hugs and "welcome back".

Another great testament to this community, well now more like a family, is how people stepped forward to help Chris achieve his goal at MetCon.  They were either there to watch him or there to help him.  Truly amazing!

So, if you're looking for a place where you can get fit and feel a part of a "community" like ours, then check out your local CrossFit box.  Ask the members.  I bet they say the same thing.

"Where everybody knows your name,
And they're always glad you came;
You want to go where people know,
People are all the same;
You want to go where everybody knows your name."
Where Everybody Knows Your Name by Gary Portnoy and Judy Hart Angelo

Monday, June 17, 2013

Stouty: The Man, The Myth, The Legend!

Here are some words I would use to describe my cousin, Chris Stoutenburg:  strong, funny, crazy, stubborn, hard-working, dedicated, determined, motivational, inspirational, a hero...

 Parker, Chris and I at last year's Run for the Cure

Chris, AKA Stouty, has conquered everything that has been thrown at him.  Just before heading to Guelph University to play football, he tragically fell from a balcony and was paralysed, what would be seen by most as a devastating blow to this athlete.  But not for Stouty, Stouty took this new challenge and found a new way to compete, Wheelchair Basketball.

For those that don't know Stouty, he owns a lot bling!  2 Paralympic Gold Medals, 1 Silver Paralympic Medal, and well, about 20 more medals but I won't list them all.  They're all listed on the WheelChair Basketball Canada site.  Here's the link.

We've always been very proud of all his accomplishments.  So when he decided to retire, we knew it wouldn't be for long.  He'd find something, he always does :)

Next challenge came about from my conversations with him about my CrossFit experience.  Stouty decided it sounded right for him and away he went to CrossFit Indestri to meet with the coaches.  This was the beginning of a whole new journey.  Since joining CrossFit, not only has he seen major strength changes but he's accomplishing things doctors said he never would.  That alone is an amazing feat.

But this is Stouty, he's not going to leave it there...  Last year he competed in the Wasaga Beach Duathlon just a couple of months after joining CrossFit.  This year, Chris competed in the CrossFit Open.  Submitting videos of his workouts for the big people at CrossFit to see what this guy in a wheelchair can do.  To say they were amazed would be an understatement.  Big names in CrossFit were tweeting him, retweeting his videos, sending messages stating how inspirational.  He got invited down to a seminar to work with a very well known person in the CF world, Carl Paoli.  I was totally jealous LOL.  May just have a CrossFit crush on that Paoli.  Chris was featured on one of the CrossFit video updates.

But the Open was just the beginning of what Stouty planned on accomplishing this year.  Chris was determined to "conquer the mountain" by entering in the 2013 MetCon Blue Adventure Race at Blue Mountain.  Having done this race twice last year, I know the challenges those obstacles can bring.  But it wasn't just the obstacles I was trying to figure out, how the heck was he going to get up that hill.

Well, Saturday morning Stouty strapped himself into his off-roading chair and with his "Band of Brothers", they took on MetCon and they didn't back down.  With help from his friends and coaches, Chris conquered that mountain and every obstacle MetCon Blue had to throw at him.  They climbed walls, swam through muck, climbed cargo nets, tackled monkey bars, jumped fire, and took on the half pipe.

This is a picture of Team Stouty coming out of the wooded trail and heading down to the monkey bars AKA the Rockstar Plunge (I'm sure there's a few other choice names for it :) )  Team Stouty consisted of my boyfriend Parker, Scott Nichol, Chuck Mesley, Marc Amormino, Mark Arnold, Bill Pain, and, of course, the man himself, Stouty!  A truly amazing group of men!

I got a chance to watch Chris on the last obstacle, the half pipe ramp.  The crowd was going crazy!  Emotions were running wild for friends and family that watched this amazing human being tackle this course and come out stronger than ever.  Every time I watch the video, my eyes well up with pride.  I've posted a video below that my friend, Jen Nichol has provided on Facebook.  I'll be sure to post the video of their trek once it's complete as there were about 3 or 4 people with cameras following them on the course.

Chris has been the person that I look to for inspiration and, at the rate he's going with all these accomplishments, there is no doubt in my mind that won't change!

Stay tuned for Stouty's next challenge.  Not sure what it'll be yet but I hear there's talk of a Tough Mudder...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I'm BACK!!

Well, it's been over a month apparently since my last post!  WOW.  A lot has happened in my life and I apologize for those who look forward to my posts (if any LOL).

Anyway, I'm not going to get into any details throughout my blog at this time but trust me when I say, life dealt me another doozie.  Right before I headed off to pool school, life slapped me upside the head. BUT as always, I'm still here and I'm coming back strong.

I took my first vacation out of the country in almost 15 years last month.  My daughter and I headed off to Disney.  That will be in an upcoming post.

Tonight is just to say, "hey, I haven't forgotten about you.  Don't forget about me" and..

Stay tuned...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Girls Night

I just spent a great night with a very special female...

My beautiful daughter Ciara.

This week was a very busy week.  Early mornings and late nights meant very little family time.  Then off to her Grandma's she went for a sleepover as Mommy had to work this morning as well.  These busy times can kind of take a toll on family life.

Unfortunately family time is going to have to wait.  Parker is away with the Major Bantam Boys Basketball team at their Provincials.  So instead of Family QT, Ci and I had some Girlie QT.

Off to Kelsey's we went.  While we waited for our food we chatted and coloured away on her menu.  Played some Tic Tac Toe.  Food was delicious.

We headed home and got into our PJs.  After a couple of iCarly episodes, we settled down for a cuddle and to watch "Aliens in the Attic".  Although she's seen it before, she wanted to see it again.

We didn't do much tonight but it was time we needed.  With so much happening in our busy lives and some big changes to come, I made a promise to Ciara that we would do this much more often.  We did the big handshake on it :)

Family is so important.  I'm very lucky and have grown up with a family that has always been there for me.  Through the good and even more so through the bad.  I want Ci to grow up with that same feeling of togetherness and love.  

For Ci and I, we've gone through a couple of tough family changes and a couple of really great ones.  We have a strong family unit now and couldn't be more happier.  So my promise to her, is something I plan on keeping... for as long as she wants to hang with her Momma ;)

I'll leave you with a quote that is very fitting for my family situation :)

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life ~ Richard Bach

Thursday, April 11, 2013

CrossFit Open Complete!

I actually started this blog post last weekend but I think I was still so tired!!

Check another item off my Bucket List, "Compete in the CrossFit Games Open".  As of today, that is complete!  What is the "Open"???

The Open competition is an opportunity for fitness enthusiasts from all over the world to compete in an international CrossFit competition.  The competition began March 6th with the "announcement" of the first workout, 13.1.  There were a total of 5 WODs (workout of the day).  Each were announced on Wednesday night and had to be completed, with scores submitted by Sunday night.
The first week, 13.1, was full of electricity.  All kinds of hype leading up to the big announcement.  The CrossFit community was a buzz.  Parker and I sat down in front of the computer and waited.  13.1 will be 17 minutes of: 40 Burpees, 30 reps of 45lb Snatch, 30 Burpees, 30 Reps of 75lb Snatch, 20 Burpees, 30 Reps of 100lbs Snatch, 10 Burpees, as many Reps as possible in time remaining of 120lb Snatch.  Here was my thought process:  "ugh burpees" then "75lbs!!!  Are you kidding me?  My 1 rep max is only 65lbs.  Well I'll be done at 100 reps (40+30+30)".  From Wednesday night on I had butterflies in my stomach.  What was I thinking?  I can't do this!  By Saturday morning I thought I was going to puke.  Reminded my of my old skating days.  Never was much of a competitor LOL.  Always lost my cookies before hitting the ice.

So Thursday I set up a one-on-one session with my coach, Tyson.  Time to work on that Snatch.  He coached me up to the 75lbs.  I did it!  It wasn't pretty.  "Get under the bar!  Under the bar" (those words still echo in my head).  On Saturday I knew I would get at least 1 of those 75lb Snatch lifts up.  So away I went.  My dear friend Tammy, my mom, Parker, Nate, and others yelling encouraging me to pick up the bar!  Not only did I get 1 up, but I managed to get 7 of them up!!  According to other members of our community, every time I got the bar up, I had a big smile on my face.  Damn right I did!  I was pretty darn proud.  Needless to say, I survived week 1 and was ready for more!

Next up, 13.2.  Same kind of excitement and electricity.  The anticipation of the announcement on Wednesday night... 13.2 will be 10 minutes, as many rounds as possible of: 75lb Shoulder to Overhead, 75lb Deadlift, 15 box jumps at 20" This was a little more my WOD.  Although the 75lb Shoulder to Overhead was a little trying with my shoulder.  Bad shoulder.  Damn muscle ups!

Then, 13.3.  The Wednesday night nerves were finally settling by this point.  Always exciting to tune into the website and watch the top CrossFit athletes tackle the next WOD.  Also, sometimes their reaction was just as surprised as our reaction :)   13.3 will be 12 minutes of: 150 Walls Balls (14lbs), 90 Double Unders, 30 Muscle Ups.  As you may remember from an earlier post, I did not enjoy this one at all!  This one crushed me.  To the point that I was holding back tears.  Really??  I had to do a serious reality check with myself that night.  Reminding myself that I couldn't even do a proper Wall Ball a year ago.  Let alone 150 at 9ft target!!  It took a little while but I got over it. 

13.4, almost there!  As we near the end of the Open with this WOD, you can tell that HQ was looking to weed some people out.  Those of us that still weren't lifting Rx (prescribed) weights in a lot of WODs.  13.4 will be 7 minutes of: 3 reps of 95lb Clean and Jerks, 3 toes to bar, 6 95lbs Clean & Jerks (C&J), 6 toes to bar (T2B), 9 95lbs C&J, 9 T2B, 12 95lbs C&J, 12 T2B, 15 95lbs C&J, 15 T2B, 18 95lbs C&J, 18 T2B.  If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21, then 24, etc.  95lbs Clean & Jerk!!  WHAT!!??  This was where quite a few of us surprised ourselves.  I missed my friend Cathy Jackson but I know this was a huge PR (personal record) for her!  I've heard that it was a very emotional and proud moment for Cathy and all those that were there to cheer her on.  Awesome job!  For me, my 1 rep max was 100lbs.  So 95lbs?  I told Tammy my goal was to get through the set of 3 and then take the rest of the time to get as many of the 6 as possible.  Low and behold didn't I shock the s@#$ right out of myself.  And again came the smiles every time that damn bar went over my head.  I made it through the 3s AND the 6s AND managed to get 4 more reps!  Super proud?  You bet!  Considering my current weight is 115, that's a lot of weight to be throwing over my head :)  13.4 definitely brought me out of the slump I was in after 13.3.

The Grand Finale, 13.5.  I'm sure I'm not the only one that felt this way, "Let's just get'r done!"  5 weeks was a long time.  Too many unknowns, so many emotional moments.  Really takes a toll on one's body!  This Wednesday, still excited to watch it but not really excited to do it, I sat on my couch with my laptop and watched 4 AMAZING CrossFit Athletes get completely and utterly crushed.  This WOD wasn't just a test of strength and endurance but also a major mental test.  13.4 will be Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:  15 reps 65lb Thruster, 15 Chest to bar Pull-ups.If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes.  If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes.  If 270 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes.  HOLY CRAP!!  What a way to end the Open.  This was a truly crushing WOD.  Leaving many, I'm sure, emotionally and physically drained.  That's where your CrossFit community comes in.  Unfortunately for me, I had some health restrictions.  BUT, instead of just walking away, I at least did my 1 rep to get a final score.  Why not right?  So although I didn't feel the effects of this one, I saw many of my CrossFit Community that did.

Thankfully, we have a Box full of AMAZING people!  After the last athlete performed 13.5 on Saturday, we celebrated with great food and music.  We had a fun team WOD where the morning folks took on the evening peeps.  Full of fun and laughter, we tackled the WODs as a team and it truly bought everyone's spirits back up.  Although...  apparently us morning folks were accused of cheating.  I'm still waiting on an explanation of that one.  Scott???

Thank you for an amazing Open experience CrossFit Indestri!  I would say that my biggest highlight of the Open was not all the PRs (they rocked but), it was feeling that sense of community we always talk about.  I love our CFI group!  It truly feels like a family.  But when we do something like this, we don't just feel like a family, we act like one.  We're out there cheering on, encouraging, and supporting each other.  When we fall down, someone runs over and picks you back up.  Seeing everyone come out just to watch or come early/stay late to watch, was priceless. 

And THAT my friends is my most favourite and cherished part of CrossFit!

Watch out CrossFit Open 2014, I think there's a few CFI members that are going to come back with a vengeance!
Check out this great video that my friend Jen made of our community taking on the 2013 Open!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Chocolate Lover

One thing I wasn't prepared to give up in my new lifestyle... CHOCOLATE!

So I haven't completely given up chocolate.  I like to have a square or 2 in the afternoon.  I try very hard not to have one every day but they're just so yummy!!  Oh chocolate...

What I did change was the type of chocolate.  I now eat dark chocolate at 72% cacao or more.  Usually I get the Lindt 85%.  It's really dark.  Dark enough that I just want a taste and that seems to satisfy the sugar demons.

Unfortunately I have been on a milk chocolate binge though since Easter.  Yep, Ciara's chocolate is not safe with me.  Not one bit!  Ugh, it's just so delicious!   

The only thing with milk chocolate is that it contains all the bad stuff that tells your brain you want more.  It's so full of sugar that your body just keeps going and going and going...  You know, like the Energizer Bunny.  Then, you feel gross.  Chocolate overload!

So my goal for next week, stay away from milk chocolate.  Notice I said next week?  Ya, I'm giving myself the weekend.  Why not?

Here's one of my favourite Paleo-Friendly chocolate treats:

Peppermint Chocolate Macaroons from Against All Grain

I just made 2 batches of these goodies for tomorrow's celebration of the completion of the CrossFit Open competition at CrossFit Indestri.  Hope everyone enjoys them!!

Stay tuned for a recap of my first Open experience...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Weekend Paleo Meal Ideas

Thought I would share some of my favourite paleo sites to visit for meal ideas.

For breakfast this beautiful Good Friday morning, we are having pancakes!  The recipe I like to use is from The Paleo Mom's website.  Today we've added some strawberries and blueberries.  Topped with PURE Maple Syrup.  'Tis the season folks to get real, natural maple syrup.  Usually locally made as well.  (Might be a good trip with the family this weekend to check out some of our local syrup places).

Now, we are lucking out on our Easter meals.  We've got family dinners for most of the weekend.  But here are some great ideas if you are cooking your own meals over the holidays.

This one gives you a full meal idea.  Ham with sides plus Chocolate Torte dessert PLUS Hot Cross Buns!  Northwest Cavegirls

How about on Pinterest!   Here's a whole bunch of great ideas.

This one looks really delicious!  Actually they all have so far...  The Paleo Project

Ooooooo this one has waffles!!  Might have to give this a try.  Lots of appetizer ideas as well.  The Paleo Diet Lifestyle

Oh boy, might need someone who bakes well to do this one for me...  Oh sister Jenn!!!  The picture caught my eye on this one.  Then, when I had finished drooling I made it down the rest of the list.  There are at least 4 ideas for each of these categories: Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, Sides, and Desserts.  So what caught my eye were very delicious looking Double-Decker Cupcakes!  MMMMMMM

Take your time this weekend and enjoy your family!  Get outside and play!

Happy Easter

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I Eat Real Food

I've had quite a few people ask "What diet are you on?"  "How did you get so 'skinny'?"  First of all, it's not a "diet", it's a lifestyle. Second, I'm not "skinny", I'm fit!  Come lift weights with me and you'll see. 

The secret is... I EAT REAL FOOD!  What do I mean by "real food"?  Well, let me tell you.

When I started my healthy journey, I knew exercise was not going to be enough.  How I fuel my body is so very important and its what keeps me going.  Simple as that.  So once I had my first month of CrossFit under my belt, I took the next step.  I set-up a meeting with Coach & Nutritionist, Bill Pain.

Our first discussion was probably exactly what you would expect.  "What are your goals?"  My goals were to get healthy and if I just happened to drop the annoying 10lbs I put on over the winter, then BONUS!

We talked about my history with foods, a typical day in my life, any medical issues, etc.  From that point, Bill started to talk to me about "leaky gut", "paleo", "Whole30", "clean eating", and much more.  I was completely intrigued. 

What is "leaky gut"?  Leaky Gut happens when the lining of the small instine breaks down.  When food enters the bloodstream it is pretty much completely broken down (digested).  When you experience Leaky Gut, the food gets into the bloodstream as more or less complete compounds.  Doesn't sound good, does it?  This can stimulate allergies and many other problems throughout the body.

What is "paleo"?  It's also known as the Caveman Diet or Hunter-Gatherer.  When I say any of these terms, people immediately think of the Fred Flinstone rack of ribs meal.  Well, it's not.  It's not just about eating meat.  It's also about eating fish, tree nuts, plants, vegetables, and fruit.  There is a balance that needs to be maintained.  It's about not eating processed foods, grains, legumes, potatoes, dairy, and sugar.  A good rule of thumb is look at the ingredients.  First, if you can't pronounce them, don't buy them.  If there are more than 4 ingredients, don't buy it.  Lastly, buy as much fresh produce and grass-fed meat/wild fish as possible.

By the time I left, we had a game plan.  Cut out all dairy and grains.  The dairy would be simple, I'm lactose intolerant.  The grains were another story.  My go to snack, bread.  My favourite meal, anything with pasta.

Also, read through the Whole30 and eat more.  What?  That's right, eat more!  This was simply a concept I wasn't used to.  I thought I ate plenty and if I ate more, I'd put more than 10lbs on.  Boy was I wrong.

So I went home and immediately read through the Whole30.  What is Whole30?  It is a program developed by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig.  The program is designed "as a short-term nutritional reset, designed to help you restore a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract, calm systemic inflammation and put an end to unhealthy cravings, habits, and relationships with food." - (www.whole9life.com)  Although the program is a little more intense than I was ready for, I definitely took away some great information and began my journey to healthy eating.

I sent Bill my first journal.  I was asked to write down what I ate, when I ate, and how I felt.  This was very helpful as I started to see patterns.  One in particular was that around 2:30pm/3pm I get the yawns and watery eyes and reach for chocolate or sugar of any kind. 

After that we met again and reviewed.  Overall wasn't too bad but definitely still needed some work.  Still needed to eat more!

It was after about the third or fourth week that I really started to feel and look different.  The pounds were dropping away quickly.  I felt amazing.  I had more energy.  I was getting some great results at the gym.  Overall, everything was really good.  I can even say I felt "younger".  Was I eating more?  Yep, almost as much as my 6'4" boyfriend eats!

I no longer had the cravings for certain foods and I associate that back to sugar.  My body was so programmed to feed it sugar that it was causing many health issues.  Once I started eating vegetables, fruits, and protein, my body began to reprogram itself.  It's very scary when you read ingredients on the label.  I think you would be very surprised at what foods contain some form of added sugar.  It's everywhere!  And it has many names.

My results are my results.  Everyone will have different results.  By the end of June, my body stopped losing weight.  I still felt great and have managed to stay that weight ever since.  Since it's part of my lifestyle, healthy eating and active, I have not had to even worry about adjusting meals.  My body is happy where it's at and it seems to intend to stay there. 

Since I enjoyed reading the Whole30, I decided to buy the Hartwig's "It Starts With Food" book the minute it was released this past summer.  WOW, did I ever learn how eating the wrong foods could be causing damage that you didn't even realize.  The foods we eat can influence allergies, something that I have suffered from for a very long time.  I have, or should I say 'had', allergies to everything environmental (trees, grass, flowers, moulds, dust).  Weekly I would take a trip to the doctor's office for an allergy shot.  Sometimes 2 depending on the season.  I can honestly say that since I started eating clean or real food, I haven't even taken an allergy pill!!

You can read many success stories on Melissas and Dallas' website.  It is truly amazing how eating the right foods can transform your life.

I've been "Paleo" or eating real food since May 2012.  Sure I have my cheats (I like to call them "treats") but it isn't often and it usually has to do with some sort of social event.  I can feel the effect of eating process food.  My stomach is not interested in it and my performance in the gym is, well, tough to say the least.

So, am I on a diet?  Heck no!  I eat REAL FOOD!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

So Deeply Moved... Thank you

I am completely overwhelmed by the response and support my blog has received in it's short existence. 

When I started writing my story last week, it was really in celebration of all that I have accomplished over the past year.  I had all these thoughts that I just needed to get out.  I wanted to share so much but only expected that it would be to those that know me.  Either we're friends on Facebook or they follow me on Twitter.  I truly did not expect anything more.

I checked my stats after my first post.  There was over 100 pageviews in less than an hour!  This "audience" was from all over the world!  I had posted my blog on a Facebook page I follow "Women of CrossFit = Strong".  A page where women share their inspiring stories.  I thought "hey, why not."  

Next thing I knew, my blog was being shared by others.  Shared by friends.  My first post is already up to 277 pageviews.  Really?

Since then I've written 3 more posts.  A total of 729 pageviews!!  What???  Now, I'm not going to get too excited, I understand that it's not necessarily 700 peeps but still.  WOW, it's all I can say.  Of course most of these are in Canada but my little blog has been seen in the US, Germany, the UK, Netherlands, Indonesia, Sweden, Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, and Panama!!

The messages I have received through Twitter and Facebook have been overwhelming.  These people are calling my story "inspiring".  They're proud of me, my accomplishments.  They are words of encouragement.  I thank you.  

Then today, my blog was read by 2 people who I often either read their articles and blogs or listen to their opinions on the radio.  I received great comments and this:

McLeods Musings with Mariane McLeod

Thank you Mariane!  Your words are very kind and I am honoured that you shared my story!

Thank you everyone!  Thank you for your kind words and your support :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Oh the Changes I've Seen

Six years ago I made a decision that would affect many people.  That decision was the TSN turning point of my life...

Not long after my daughter was born, I began to really look at my life.  I began to see many things that others were seeing happening in my relationship, my personality, my life.  People had been telling me things that I just didn't want to see.  Sure I was happy.  I had a house, a job, a husband, a beautiful daughter.  I thought I had it made.  

Unfortunately, I was still miserable!  Sure, I had a husband but not a partner.  I'm not going to go into great detail here.  For two years I lived my life going through the motions.  It was going to get better, right?

Well, in 2007 that's when it hit me.  Nothing was going to change unless I wanted it to.  I told my husband that I was not happy. We tried counselling.  Well, once anyway.  At that meeting, my husband was "diagnosing" me according to the counsellor.  He told the counsellor I'd been depressed since my daughter was born.  That I must be suffering from postpartum depression.  What did the counsellor say to this?  He said "I don't think that's the case at all.  I think you make her miserable."  BAM!  Like someone jumped up and threw ice cold water on my face.  I finally got it.  It wasn't just that he made me miserable, brought me down in his world of negativity.  I wasn't in love with him anymore.  I hadn't been for some time.

The other crushing moment was when my daughter, at the age of 3, asked me "Mommy, are you going to be happy today?"  WOW, she was seeing and processing all of this at such a young age.  She may not have known exactly what was going on but she knew something wasn't right.  And that was when I told him it was over.  I couldn't go on pretending anymore.  The moment those words left my mouth, a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders.

I'm not going to pretend I wasn't scared.  Boy was I scared!  Was I going to be able to make it on my own?  How would this work with my daughter?  Was I going to have to look for a new house?  

I have to admit.  I am one lucky girl.  I have an amazing support system of family and friends.  They helped me more than I could thank them for.  I don't know what I would've done without them.

We settled a lot of our stuff between us in the beginning.  I bought him out of the house.  We started a shared custody agreement and we were moving along.

Things started happening for me in other areas of my life.  Now that I was not dealing with all this negativity, other aspects started to flourish.  I got a promotion at work.  I started to see my friends again.  My health was improving.  Life was great.

Although there was one more major hiccup that happened over these last 6 years, one I'm not going to write about as it's not really appropriate, my life has changed in such a positive manner.  I can look back and say "yep, I'm a better person today".

One demon I was still battling up until I started CrossFit in March 2012 was my low self-esteem.  That's right folks.  For those that know me, I can put on a great show but my confidence levels were not that high.  HOWEVER, that has changed.  CrossFit and the strength it has brought me makes me feel like I can take on the world.  I have so much more confidence in everything I do.  Sure I get nervous sometimes and start to doubt myself BUT instead of running away, I go for the "well, I guess we'll just have to see what happens".  And every time I have to say that to myself, I shock the crap out of me!

I hated looking at myself in a mirror.  So, ya, I joined CrossFit to see some physical changes happen.  Boy did I ever.  When you look at the first picture, I look miserable.  The second picture, taken today, I'm happy and actually looking forward to bikini weather!

Everyone's results are different.  Not only has my body image improved (which was a bonus), I have new strength.  Strong is the new sexy!

Here are my numbers in the beginning:
Deadlift 65#, Thrusters 35#, KB Swings 8KG, Front & Back Squats 45#, Overhead Squat 35#, pull-ups with a purple band... I could go on and on.

Here are my numbers now:
Deadlift 185#, Thrusters 90#, Kettle Bell Swings @ 20KG, Front Squat 120#, Back Squats 130#, Overhead Squat 85#, Pull-ups NO BAND!

So changes, oh ya, I've had some major changes in my life over the last few years.  I'm truly thankful.  I'm blessed to have an amazing man in my life who is a wonderful life partner and father to my 9 year old daughter.  He tells me I'm beautiful and that he loves me everyday!  How can a girl not feel special :)

I have a beautiful daughter that my whole world revolves around.  I can't imagine my life without either of these wonderful people.  My life finally feels like its MINE.  Like it was meant to be.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Open WOD 13.3 - UGH Wall Balls!

What is 13.3 some of you may be asking?  It's the 3rd WOD (workout of the day) in the CrossFit Games Open.  13.3 consists of as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of 150 wall balls (women use 14lb medicine balls and throw to a 9' target), 90 double unders, and 30 muscle ups.  

I tried this WOD on Thursday for the first time.  I "no repped" (took reps away from myself for improper performance) about 7 - 10 times and managed to pull of 141 Wall Balls.  Ok, so I didn't get too far through the WOD but wasn't trying to push it too hard as I wasn't being judged on it.

After I thought, "ok Michelle, 141.  That's pretty close to the 150.  Make the 150 your goal and reach for it.  Most importantly do them right the first time so that you're not doing more work then necessary!"

So I got up this morning at 7am.  Had a light breakfast of ham and a plantain pancake.  Started doing some foam rolling and "good mornings" at home to get loosened up.  I was to do 13.3 in the second heat.

I headed out the door and over to CrossFit Indestri for 9:45 so I could do a bit more warming up and watch the first heat.  Wouldn't you know it, I ended up in the first heat!  

Before we started Coach Mark Arnold and I started talking.  He asked me what my goal was and I said "I just want to get through these wall balls".  We started talking strategy and thank goodness we did because my strategy was WAY off!  His advice definitely helped me get as far as I did.

As the buzzer rang, I grabbed the ball and started moving.  16 reps in and I drop the ball. I can hear Shannon and Parker cheering me on (thanks guys).  I pick it up and start moving again.  In my head, I'm remembering Mark's advice, "short reps, short rest".  I tried a few more 4/5 rep rounds and then realized I was starting to get no repped.  So, I started doing them in 3s.  I got a good momentum going.  Unfortunately, I just didn't make it.  

The disappointment must've been all over my face (I'm kind of bad at hiding my thoughts) because Mark gave me some very encouraging words and then said "did you have anything left in the tank?  Do you think you could've done more?"  The answer was a definite no.  Unless I had an additional minute, I was not going to get any more reps.  So, 147 was my score.  I thanked him and walked away to pout.  Yep to pout.

Well, to say I'm disappointed is a bit of an understatement.  Maybe this time I put too much pressure on myself.  My goal was to just finish the 150 Wall Balls but also to do them right so that I wouldn't get "no repped".  I missed my goal by 3... 3 freakin Wall Balls!  BUT, I only got about 5 or 6 no reps.  So, technique I've got.  Now to work on moving a little faster.

Thanks Shannon Mathieson for taking this pic!

Thanks Jen Nichol for this action shot!! 

These pictures gives you a good idea of just how high that 9' target is for someone 5' tall.  Pretty sure I let it get into my head too much.  Ya, I'm still grumbling but I've given myself a game plan.  Every week, I'm going to throw a few wall balls up to that 9' target. Maybe I'll even go for the 10'.  When this workout comes around again, 'cause you know it will at some point, I'm going to CRUSH IT!!


Friday, March 22, 2013

Curling + CrossFit = Rocks through the House!

So today I went to a curling bonspiel.  Although I used to be an avid curler, I haven't curled in over a year.  

My concerns today were not so much "will I fall?" "can I get it over the hog line?".  My concerns were "now that I'm doing CrossFit, what does this mean?".  Since it was a fun gathering I didn't worry too much about it again until we hit the ice.

So the first shot the Skip called, was a take out.  Well, no problem here!  I came out of the hack, the rock soared down the sheet and BAM, rock gone!  Wahoo!

Next shot, draw to the button.  Well, ok.  Maybe not the button but I should be able to draw close enough.  Um, NOPE.  Right through the house and I was barely even trying coming out of the hack.

Next shot, same. 

Next, same again!

My new nickname, "Pipes".

So, after we lose the first game, we head up for lunch and the traditional "buy the losers a drink" part of curling.  I know, shouldn't really be drinking when I'm going to tackle Open WOD 13.3 tomorrow morning.  So, I just had a small glass of wine with the wonderful roast beef they served for lunch.

When the second game rolled around, I was a little more relaxed... hmm wonder why...

Got some great shots including this one:

Two of those rocks are mine.  Drew them right up to the third.  Looked pretty LOL.  Well cool enough anyway ;)

All in all, a fun day.  Felt great to curl again and didn't get winded with all the sweeping I had to do (which was a lot, right Mark?)  

Here's hoping that I'm not too sore tomorrow when I attempt 13.3!!  I just want to get through those damn Wall Balls!  9' seems so much higher than 8' like we've been doing lately.  Plus at 5', 1' is a fifth of my height LOL

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My CrossFit Paleo Adventure Year 1

Well, I don’t think it’s any secret to my family and friends, I LOVE CrossFit!  I love pushing myself past these limits I’ve set, I love lifting heavy (well, it’s getting heavier) weight, I love running (something I’ve avoided all my life unless being chased), and I love the community at CrossFit Indestri. 
Did I ever think I would say those things?  Heck no!
I’ve always been active.  Raised in a family of skaters, I spent many hours on the ice but I would never have used the term “athletic” to describe me.  After skating, I decided I would try out for the Varsity Ski team in college.  I spent some time on the slopes representing Seneca.  However, again, College Skiing was more about the party then the actual training and racing.  I used to “workout”.  I was at the Y every morning at 6am, figuring out what I was going to do that day.  I started doing a Couch to 5k program because running just wasn’t my “thing” but thought it was time I made it my “thing”.  Still, I would say I was active but not overly active.  As I said to Tyson after my first month “I would say what I was doing before was little more than lying on the couch compared to what I’m doing now”.
I first heard about CrossFit Indestri through the rumour mill.  “Did you hear Scott Thornton opened a gym?  Sounds intense!”  My thought was, “ya, professional athlete + me = YA RIGHT!”  Needless to say I didn’t give it another thought.
When I met Scott during the Ontario Winter Games last March, I made the “mistake” of mentioning that I was interested in checking out his gym.  I say “mistake” when really I think it was more of a cry for help.  Work was crazy busy with the games, I had gotten frustrated with what I was doing on my own and stopped working out, my self esteem was at an all time low due to some personal battles I was facing, it was a tough time for me.  So next thing I know, Jen Nichol and I are being “called out” on Twitter with the famous quote that hangs just inside the door of our box.  Well, Jen and I immediately fired back that we were girls that “make it happen”.  Next thing you know, we’re signed up for the next Foundations class. 
I’ll never forget that feeling.  Jen came to pick me up that night.  I opened the door and said “I’m so nervous.  What are we doing?”  LOL.  She was nervous too.  When we arrived, I don’t think we were the only ones with that feeling.  Well, we survived that first class, barely, and came back for more 2 days later, sore legs and all.  From that point forward I was hooked.
I’m a “need to see results” kind of a person typically.  So before I headed to my first official WOD, I took my measurements and a before picture.  I then took measurements and a picture on the 25th of every month following for the next 4 months.  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.  When I started in March, my weight was 140 (for 5’ a little high), I had rolls where I didn’t want rolls, flabby arms, and I hated looking at myself in a mirror in a 2 piece bathing suit.  I never wore a bikini unless I was hidden on my deck at home behind the fence.
I had 2 goals written on the whiteboard beside my name, MetCon Blue and Pull-Up.
In May, I met with Bill and started to look at my nutrition.  We started with some small changes (which hardly seemed small for me).  Cut out grains (but I love bread and pasta!).  Cut out dairy (well that’s easy, I’m lactose intolerant).  Cut out sugar (WHAT!!!!  But that’s my lifeline).  SO, I began tracking my meals.  It wasn’t easy and it took a lot of time to get where I am today with a very strong Paleo lifestyle.  I wouldn’t say I’m strict (still like my wine every once in a while) but definitely picky about my food intake.
Once I started eating real food, my results in the mirror were drastic.  By June, I had lost a total of 25lbs.  Amazingly, I’ve been the same weight ever since (so my body had found it’s happy point)!  But, more importantly, I stopped going for my weekly allergy shots.  Better yet, I wasn’t even taking an allergy pill!  My health is the best it has been for as long as I can remember and I’ll be turning 40 this September!  So, it no longer became about the results in the mirror.
In June, I successfully completed my first pull-up!  Goal #1 down with only a matter of days before I met my next goal.  I participated in my first ever race.  Yep that’s right, first race.  Which one?  Well, MetCon Blue.  Go big or go home!  I managed to tackle every obstacle on that course!  I kicked the monkey bars a$$!  In my head I was yelling “CROSSFIT!”  I had a helping hand come from nowhere to give me a last little push up so I could get over the wall.  It took me an hour and 25 minutes but I didn’t care.  I was flying high when I crossed that finish line. Goal #2 accomplished!  I was so emotional about my accomplishments, my team mates and friends’ accomplishments; I was on the verge of tears.  I had so much fun; I immediately signed up again for September and crushed my time from June.  It was even tougher than the first go!
In September I had to deal face to face with someone who fed on my insecurities and low self-esteem.  I was nervous.  I was up early that morning.  It wasn’t a WOD day for me so I decided to go for a run.  I had worked my way up to 5k but hadn’t made it past that.  That morning was a gorgeous day and I pulled a Forrest Gump.  I took a new route and just ran.  I ran and ran.  As I started to make my way home, I thought, “Wow, Michelle, you’ve come a long way.  You couldn’t even run the 400m buy-ins when you started”.  When I got home I looked at my “MapMyRun” app, I ran 10k!!  I was so happy that when I had to face my” demon”, I had all the confidence in the world.  No one was ever going to put me down again J  Or to quote Patrick Swayze “no one puts Baby in the corner” LOL Sorry, had to.
Fast forward to today: so first year in CrossFit and I sign up for the Open.  Why not right?  Get my Box some points.  See what happens.  Well, here’s what has happened so far.  Open WOD 13.1, PR my Snatch by 10lbs!  What???  And managed to get 7 reps!  Open WOD 13.2, do multiple reps of shoulder to overhead at a weight just 5lbs less than my 1RM.  Again, what???  Every day I walk into CFI I surprise myself.  Sure I have off days, but I look at those off days and think “I’m still way ahead of where I was when I walked through the door”.
So much has happened this past year.  So many things I just never imagined possible.  The amount of weight I’m lifting (which I was afraid to touch a bar in the past) to loving myself more to being a better parent and partner to being a better friend.  Has CrossFit changed my life?  You bet.  Do I preach the word of CrossFit?  You bet!  It is such an amazing part of my life that I really don’t know what I would do without it or the people that I’ve connected with through it.

PS - I can't thank the great coaches and athletes at CrossFit Indestri enough!  You are truly wonderful people that help make it easy to get up at 5am to come in and bust out a WOD!!  xoxo

Me crushing those Monkey Bars over a cold pool of water :)

My boyfriend and I crossing the finish line in September.