Saturday, March 23, 2013

Open WOD 13.3 - UGH Wall Balls!

What is 13.3 some of you may be asking?  It's the 3rd WOD (workout of the day) in the CrossFit Games Open.  13.3 consists of as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of 150 wall balls (women use 14lb medicine balls and throw to a 9' target), 90 double unders, and 30 muscle ups.  

I tried this WOD on Thursday for the first time.  I "no repped" (took reps away from myself for improper performance) about 7 - 10 times and managed to pull of 141 Wall Balls.  Ok, so I didn't get too far through the WOD but wasn't trying to push it too hard as I wasn't being judged on it.

After I thought, "ok Michelle, 141.  That's pretty close to the 150.  Make the 150 your goal and reach for it.  Most importantly do them right the first time so that you're not doing more work then necessary!"

So I got up this morning at 7am.  Had a light breakfast of ham and a plantain pancake.  Started doing some foam rolling and "good mornings" at home to get loosened up.  I was to do 13.3 in the second heat.

I headed out the door and over to CrossFit Indestri for 9:45 so I could do a bit more warming up and watch the first heat.  Wouldn't you know it, I ended up in the first heat!  

Before we started Coach Mark Arnold and I started talking.  He asked me what my goal was and I said "I just want to get through these wall balls".  We started talking strategy and thank goodness we did because my strategy was WAY off!  His advice definitely helped me get as far as I did.

As the buzzer rang, I grabbed the ball and started moving.  16 reps in and I drop the ball. I can hear Shannon and Parker cheering me on (thanks guys).  I pick it up and start moving again.  In my head, I'm remembering Mark's advice, "short reps, short rest".  I tried a few more 4/5 rep rounds and then realized I was starting to get no repped.  So, I started doing them in 3s.  I got a good momentum going.  Unfortunately, I just didn't make it.  

The disappointment must've been all over my face (I'm kind of bad at hiding my thoughts) because Mark gave me some very encouraging words and then said "did you have anything left in the tank?  Do you think you could've done more?"  The answer was a definite no.  Unless I had an additional minute, I was not going to get any more reps.  So, 147 was my score.  I thanked him and walked away to pout.  Yep to pout.

Well, to say I'm disappointed is a bit of an understatement.  Maybe this time I put too much pressure on myself.  My goal was to just finish the 150 Wall Balls but also to do them right so that I wouldn't get "no repped".  I missed my goal by 3... 3 freakin Wall Balls!  BUT, I only got about 5 or 6 no reps.  So, technique I've got.  Now to work on moving a little faster.

Thanks Shannon Mathieson for taking this pic!

Thanks Jen Nichol for this action shot!! 

These pictures gives you a good idea of just how high that 9' target is for someone 5' tall.  Pretty sure I let it get into my head too much.  Ya, I'm still grumbling but I've given myself a game plan.  Every week, I'm going to throw a few wall balls up to that 9' target. Maybe I'll even go for the 10'.  When this workout comes around again, 'cause you know it will at some point, I'm going to CRUSH IT!!


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